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Gleb V. Nosovskiy

Associated Professor,
Department of Differential Geometry and Applications, Mech.-Math. Faculty, Moscow State Lomonosov University.
Research area: Differential geometry, Computer geometry, Stochastic analysis, Mathematical statistics, Pattern recognition, Geomertical coding of digital images

Alexey Yu. Chekunov

Postgraduate student of the third year of study (year of admission - 2014),
Department of Differential Geometry and Applications, Mech.-Math. Faculty, Moscow State Lomonosov University.
Research area: Computer vision, Pattern recognition, Geometrical coding of digital images, Edge detection, Image processing, Contour analysis, Image stitching, Computer modeling on C/C++; parallel programming (CUDA).

Sergei A. Podlipaev

Student of the fifth year of study
Department of Differential Geometry and Applications, Mech.-Math. Faculty, Moscow State Lomonosov University.
Research area: Differential geometry, Computer geometry, Computer vision, Geomertical coding of digital images

Anton Dementyev

Student of the third year of study
Department of Differential Geometry and Applications, Mech.-Math. Faculty, Moscow State Lomonosov University.
Research area: Differential geometry, Computer geometry, Computer vision, Geomertical coding of digital images