список публикаций в.л.голо
(январь 2008)
Smooth structures on manifolds with boundary,
Soviet. Math. Doklady 157, No.1 (1964) .
Certain differential-topological invariants of smooth manifolds,
Soviet. Math. Doklady 171, No.5 (1966) .
Vector bundles and the K-functor
(with D.V.Anosov),
Usp. Math. Nauk 21, No. 5 (1966).
An invariant of open manifolds,
Izv. Math. Nauk USSR, Ser. Mat. 31, No. 5 (1967) .
An invariant of non-connected manifolds,
Mat. Zametki 4, No. 2 (1968).
Realization of Whitehead torsion and discriminants of quadratic forms,
Soviet Math. Doklady 183, No. 6 (1968).
Adams' operations and the symbol of norm residue,
Mat. Zametki 12, No. 12 (1972).
The Maslov-Morse index for indefinite metrics,
Mat.Zametki 13, No. 5 (1973) .
An interaction parameter for fluidized beds,
Usp. Mat. Nauk 30, No. 1 (1975).
Dispersive phenomena in fluidized beds
(with V.P.Myasnikov),
Prikl. Mat. Mekh. 39, No. 4 (1975).
Topology of gauge fields with several vacua
(with M.I.Monastyrskii),
Pisma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fyz. 25, 272 (1977).
Gauge groups and topological invariants of vacuum manifolds
(with M.I.Monastyrskii),
Ann. Inst. H.Poincaré, 28, No. 1 (1978) .
Currents in superfluid 3He
(with M.I.Monastyrskii),
Lett. Math. Phys. 2, 379 (1978).
Gauge group and phases of superfluid 3He
(with M.I.Monastyrskii),
Lett. Math. Phys. 2, 373 (1978) .
A few remarks on chiral theories with sophisticated topology
(with A.M.Perelomov),
Lett. Math. Phys. 2, 477 (1978).
Solution of the duality equations for the two-dimensional SU(N)-invariant chiral model
(with A.M.Perelomov),
Phys. Lett. 79B, 112 (1978).
Topological invariants and high dimensional instanton
(with M.I.Monastyrskii),
Nucl. Phys. (Moscow), 27, 1118 (1978).
Chiral fields and 3He
(with M.I.Monastyrskii),
LT-15 Conference, Colloque C6, supplément au No.8, Tome 39, p.C6-48, août 1978.
Gauge group and phases of superfluid 3He
(with M.I.Monastyrskii),
LT-15 Conference, Colloque C6, supplément au No.8, Tome 39, p.C6-48, août 1978.
Solutions to the Ginzburg-Landau equations for planar textures in superfluid 3He
(with M.I.Monastyrskii and S.P.Novikov),
Comm. Math. Phys. 69, 237 (1979).
A supersymmetric model for several particles with spin
(with F.A.Berezin),
Pisma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fyz. 32, 82 (1980).
[22] A stationary flow of neutron superfluid in the 3P2-pairing state,
Pisma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fyz. 32, 265 (1980).
Reduction of the two-dimensional G-invariant σ-model,
(with B.A.Putko),
Lett. Math. Phys. 4, 195 (1980).
An application of the Lund-Regge method to the chiral CPn-model
(with B.A. Putko),
Teor. Mat. Fyz. 45, 19 (1980).
Nonlinear regimes in spin dynamics of superfluid 3He,
Lett. Math, Phys. 5, 155 (1981).
Pohlmeyer reduction for the SU-invariant σ-model
(with B.A.Putko),
Physica 3D, 222 (1981).
[27] Averaged equations in spin dynamics in superfluid 3HeB
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fyz. , 942 (1981) .
Nonlinear spin relaxation in superfluid 3HeB in the absence of external magnetic field
(with A.A.Leman),
Pisma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fyz. 35, 227 (1982).
Dynamical SO(3,1)-symmetry for the Dirac magnetic monopole,
Pisma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fyz. 35, 535 (1982).
Non linear effects and non monotone relaxation of magnetization in 3HeB
(with A.A.Leman),
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fyz. 83, 1546 (1982).
Reduction of the chiral supersymmetric σ-model
(with F.A.Berezin and B.A.Putko),
Moscow Univ. Vestnik, No. 3 , 16 (1982).
Pulsed NMR in 3HeB for the non-Leggett configuration
(with A.A.Leman and I.A.Fomin),
Pisma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fyz. 38, 123 (1983).
Threshold magnetic fields for long-lived modes in spin dynamics of 3HeB
(with A.A.Leman),
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fyz. 85, 932 (1983).
Chaos and long-lived modes in dynamics of liquid crystals
(with E.I.Kats and A.A.Leman),
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fyz. 86, 147 (1984).
A variational method for triangulation of surfaces and domains in three-dimensional space
(with N.M.Salnikov),
Moscow Univ. Vestnik, No.2. 53 (1984).
Spin-textural waves in nonequilibrium states of superfluid 3HeB,
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fyz. 86, 2100 (1984) .
A new type of orbital waves in nematic liquid crystals
(with E.I.Kats),
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fyz. 87, 1700 (1984).
Slow modes in spin dynamics of superfluid 3HeB
(with E.I.Kats),
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Phys. 90, 952 (1986).
Spin dynamics in Weak Magnetic Fields
(with A.A. Leman),
in "Helium Three", eds. W.P.Halperin and L.P.Pitaevskii,
for the series Modern Problems in Condensed Matter Physics, North Holland, Amsterdam (1990).
An attractor in the regime of pulsed NMR in spin dynamics of the B-phase of superfluid 3He
(with A.A.Leman),
J. Low Temp. Phys. 80, 99 (1990) .
Phonon modes at reconstructed surface of simple cubic lattice,
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 2, 9025 (1990).
A new long lived mode of magnetic ringing in pulsed NMR in 3HeB
(with A.A.Leman),
Physica B 169 , 525 (1991) (Proceedings of LT-19 Conference).
Narrow band of electronic states localized at interfaces of super lattices,
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 3, 429 (1991).
Splitting of real squashing mode in acoustic-impedance experiments in 3HeB
(with J.B.Ketterson),
Phys. Rev. B45, 2516 (1992).
Cholesteric-nematic texture transition in liquid crystals
(with E.I.Kats),
JETP Lett. 55, 273 (1992).
Critical opalescence in thin films of cholesteric liquid crystals
(with E.I.Kats),
JETP 74(6), 980 (1992).
A chaotic regime of internal precession in 3HeB
(with Yu.M.Bunkov),
J. Low Temp. Phys. 90, Nos. 3/4 (1993).
Symmetry and topology analysis of the fluctuation parameters in nematic liquid crystals
(with E.I.Kats),
JETP 76(3), 420 (1993).
[49] Chiral field theory for describing fluctuating surfaces or membranes
(with E.I. Kats),
JETP Lett. 58, 451 (1993).
Collective order-parameter modes in superconducting UPt3,
JETP Lett. 58, 225 (1993).
Chiral field theory of membrane shape fluctuations
(with E.I.Kats),
JETP 78 (4), 482 (1994) .
Numerical modelling of two-pulsed NMR in superfluid 3HeB,
Pisma ZhETF 60 (6), 416 (1994).
Superhelices in steady-state configurations of molecules of the DNA type
(with E.I.Kats),
Pisma ZhETF 60, 679 (1994).
Numerical modelling of magnetization dynamics in superfluid helium-3
Int. J. Shape Modelling 1, 109 (1994).
A model for the fission of DNA molecule
(with E.I.Kats),
Pisma ZhETF 62, 605 (1995) ).
Form fluctuations of molecules of DNA type
(with E.I.Kats),
ZhETF 108, 1 (1995).
La relation d'Einstein pour le mouvement brownien des membranes
(with E.I.Kats),
Can. J. Phys. 73, 349 (1995).
Surface instability of coherent precession in the non-hydrodynamic regime
(with Yu.M.Bunkov and O.D.Timofeevskaya),
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, August 8 - 14, (1996),
Czech. J. Physics 46, 213, Suppl. S1 (1996).
L'emballage des mol_ecule et les trous dans les bicouches
(with E.Kats and G.Porte),
Pisma ZhETF 64, 575 (1996).
DNA molecule as an elastic Heisenberg chain,
ZhETF 84, 1003 (1997).
[61] Toroidal Structures Due to Anisotropy of DNA-like Molecules
(with E.I.Kats and Yu.M.Yevdokimov),
J. Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 15, 757 (1998).
Structural odering of hydrogen bonds between base-pairs of DNA
(with E.I.Kats, Yu.M.Yevdokimov, and S.G.Skuridov),
HhETF 115, 940-950 (1999).
Asymmetry of the propagation of conformational excitations in a double-stranded DNA molecule
(with E.I.Kats and Yu.M.Yevdokimov),
Pisma ZhETF 70, 766-770 (1999).
Double-stranded right-helix molecules of nucleic acids
(with E.I.Kats, Yu.M.Yevdokimov, and F.Spener),
Sensor-systems, 14, 241-254 (2000).
Interaction of nucleic acids by means of network of hydrogen bonds
(with E.I.Kats, Yu.M.Yevdokimov, and V.I.Saljanov),
ZhETF 118, 959-972 (2000).
Concerted motion of protons in hydrogen bonds of DNA-type molecules
(with E.I.Kats, and M.Peyrard),
Pisma ZhETF 73, 225-229 (2001).
Novel charateristic phase in dispersions of nucleic acids due to polymeric chelate bridges
(with E.I.Kats, Yu.M.Yevdokimov, Yu.S.Volkov, and V.I.Saljanov),
J. Biol. Phys. 27, 81 83 (2001).
Network of H-bonds as a medium for DNA interaction in solvents
(with E.I.Kats and Yu.M. Yevdokimov),
Phys. Lett. A285, 101-107 (2001).
Dynamical attractors in the Berendsen thermostat and and slow dynamics of macromolecules
(with K.V.Shaitan),
Biofizika 47, 611 (2002).
Tunneling of protons and tautomeric transitions in base-pairs of DNA
(with Yu.S.Volkov),
Int. J. Mod.Phys. 14, 133 (2003).
Spinorbital dynamics in superfluid 3HeB
(with Yu.M.Bunkov)
J. Low Temp.Phys., 137, 625 (2004).
Harmonic oscillators in the NoséHoover environment
(with K.V.Shaitan and Vl.N.Salnikov),
Phys. Rev., E70, 046130 (2004).
The three-wave interaction between interstrand modes of the DNA,
ЖЭТФ 128, 428 (2005),
Chaotic tunneling in a lazer field
(with Yu.S.Volkov),
Письма ЖЭТФ 82, 200 (2005).
Chaotic driven tunneling in a double-well
(with Yu.S.Volkov),
Comm. Comp. Phys. 1, 81 (2006).
Влияние дипольных сил на структуру жидкокристаллических фаз ДНК
(c Е.И.Кацем и И.П.Кикоть),
Письма ЖЭТФ 84, 334 (2006).
Symmetries of Electrostatic Interaction between DNA Molecules
(with E.I.Kats and Yu.S.Volkov),
Pis'ma ZhETF 86, 311 (2007).
Asymptotic Hamiltonian Reduction for the Dynamics of a Particle on a Surface
(with D.O.Sinitsyn),
Phys. Particles and Nuclei Letters, 5, 278 (2008).
Жидкокристаллические фазы, образованные дуплексами ДНК, содержащими пирофосфатные группы
(с Ю.С.Волковым, Е.И.Кацем, и С.А.Кузнецовой),
ЖЭТФ 135, 559 (2009).